Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Today in Room 207 we focused on place value. The students that I have in my math class are very low.  Many things we need to learn or go over do not come teenager friendly. The resources for topics are more focused towards K-8.  To help make things more towards the high school level,  I have become obsessed with having my students make foldables!  Foldables also help visual learners as well as kinesthetic learners. They are great resources for students to look back at when they are doing homework and studying for assessments.

My place value foldable came from an idea that I saw on Pinterest (another obsession of mine...like most teachers).  This one I saw something similar but altered it to include tenths, hundredths and thousandths. I also took away "base ten blocks" since we don't use those but added an area to write down what "base ten" means.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday October 26th - Error Analysis

Today in room 207 we focused on error analysis.

As reading through another bloggers blog (Math = Love ...check her out, I love her stuff) I stumbled across her "Types of Errors" poster. In my Pre-Algebra class I have 16 students with IEPs. We have been learning how to add and subtract integers for quite some time now. Instead of just recording their assessments and having them redo problems, I thought "what if I have them find their errors?"

I spent all of my Sunday (when my DIY projects were drying) coming up with the Error Analysis lesson.

I was truly amazed at how they accepted and participated in the lesson. They really worked hard to figure out their errors and used their rules from class to help correct the problems they got wrong.